
New Release – Ryan Kaine: On The Money

New Release - Ryan Kaine: On The Money Hi guys, Ryan Kaine: On the Money is out today! I am so excited to announce this. Book five in the hard-hitting, action-packed Ryan Kaine's 83 action thriller series On the Money is live today. Have you picked up your copy yet? If not, here's what you're missing. A member of The 83 dies in an apparent accident. The faceless leader of a drug gang rules his neighbourhood. One man will find the truth. When former Royal Marine, Ryan Kaine, and his partner, Lara Orchard, go undercover [...]

By |2020-03-12T16:27:03+00:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Books, News|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Book Review ~ Near Miss by Jeff Shear

Near Miss by Jeff Shear Solid writing let down by an over-complicated, episodic plot... I was torn between giving this book three or four stars and ended up with a vacillating 3.5. But in the end, I rounded up to 4 because of the innate mathematician in me and the quality of the writing. This is a well written, at times interesting, but ultimately rambling, episodic story that turned out to be a little too 'clever' for its own good. But that's fine, I tend to like complicated stories. My main problem is I didn't [...]

By |2018-12-20T12:50:52+00:00April 30th, 2019|Categories: Reads, Reviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Book Review ~ Dream On by Terry Tyler

Dream On by Terry Tyler Solidly written, this is a gentle chick-lit of a decent standard. Shame about the swathes of italicised text, which indicated flashback or character overview, but grated on the eye and didn't improve the reading experience. The plot revolves around a rock start wannabe who turns out to be slightly delusional, but somewhat endearing, and the two women in his life. All three are portrayed well.The other characters (an ensemble cast) are well rounded, realistic, and easy to identify, if a little clichéd in places. I mean there's a mad Geordie drummer, [...]

By |2018-11-24T10:35:23+00:00March 4th, 2019|Categories: Reads, Reviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Book Review ~ Missouri Loves Company by WJ Costello

Missouri Loves Company by WJ Costello Great story, great ending, and some wonderful wit, especially in the dialogue early on. No point telling you any of the story as the blurb covers that rather nicely. Only two things prevent me giving this the full 5-stars. First, the author's penchant for filling whole paragraphs with a list. So long were they at times, I skipped to the end of the list and moved along. Second thing was the authors necessity to repeat scenes we've just witnessed. I cite one example (this happens early on, so it [...]

By |2018-11-24T10:35:03+00:00February 20th, 2019|Categories: Reads, Reviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Book Review ~ Grave Walker by PT Reade

Grave Walker by PT Reade Note: Since I wrote this review last year, PT Reade has revamped and re-edited this book. The latest version is top notch–as is the rest of the series. —Kerry The hero, Thomas Blume is an hard-drinking American ex-cop with a tragic past. He returns to New York from London to interview the man suspected of killing his wife and son. Being a former cop, he is coerced into helping NYPD Blue investigate the apparent suicide of a former girlfriend. The incarcerated head of the local Russian mob doesn't want him [...]

By |2019-01-20T00:28:08+00:00January 17th, 2019|Categories: Reads, Reviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Free Book — Ryan Kaine: The Assessment

FREE BOOK RYAN KAINE: THE ASSESSMENT Hi guys, You may not believe it from my rather glum author head shot but, deep down, I’m a happy and generous soul. Really, I am. And to prove it, boy, do I have a treat in store for you. To help launch this new website and celebrate the New Year, I’m giving away my latest book. Yep, that’s right, absolutely free. I’ve never done this before, so here goes: For the past few months, in the gloom of my humble writing studio, I’ve been slaving away to prepare [...]

By |2018-12-20T14:51:11+00:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Books, News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Book Review ~ Legacy by Autumn Kalquist

Legacy by Autumn Kalquist I hate writing critical reviews of indie books, but here's one I couldn't avoid. While the writing was largely acceptable and the story classic sci-fi (the lost tribe from a destroyed Earth searches the universe for a new home), the first book in this trilogy was marred by repetition, a fragmented plot, physiological inaccuracies, and an unsatisfying ending. Repetition: How many times did I read the couplet "swollen belly" when referring to one of the lead characters who happens to be, yes, you guessed it, pregnant. That's just one example of [...]

By |2018-11-24T10:34:23+00:00December 12th, 2018|Categories: Reads, Reviews|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Website Launch Super Specials

WEBSITE LAUNCH SUPER SPECIALS Hi there and welcome to my new website!Come in and take a look around, there’s plenty to see and a great deal to learn about me and my books. Really hope you enjoy your stay and check in often.To launch the website and for the next four days only (24th to 28th November 2018), I’m offering a spectacular and never-to-be-repeated package of books for 99c/99p each.*Check out the following titles and download them today:Sean Freeman, the first novel in the DCI Jones Casebook series of thrilling police procedurals. DCI Jones and a [...]

Death & Damages Box Set

Death & Damages Box Set Hi guys, Do you like murder and mayhem? Do you like mystery and thrills? Maybe you like 99c bargains? Check this out! The Death & Damages Box Set: Twenty-five bestselling authors (myself included) have banded together to create this box of thrilling delights. From today you can pre-order twenty-five full-length murder and mystery novels by twenty-five bestselling authors for a mere 99c. Yep, that's it. Twenty-five superb full-length novels for less that 4c each! Danger lurks around every corner as these courageous cops, adventurous agents, and daring detectives hunt for [...]

By |2018-10-01T23:42:39+00:00September 20th, 2018|Categories: Books, News|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

Ryan Kaine Box Set

Ryan Kaine Box Set Hi guys, I am so excited to announce this. To support the recent release of Book Four in the hard-hitting, action-packed Ryan Kaine's 83 series, I have pulled together a box set of Books 1-3. If you've not read any of the books yet, here's your opportunity to download three superb books at a huge discount. From today and for one week only, the Box Set will be on sale for $3.99 (post-launch price - $8.99). Here's what you'll find: Book 1: On the Run When a routine operation ends in [...]

By |2019-10-12T23:02:50+00:00April 15th, 2018|Categories: Books, News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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