
Character: Shadow-man

Character: Shadow-man Hi guys, As promised, today I give you the final character bio, Shadow-man: Shadow-man: Occupation: Unknown Age: Unknown Height: Variable Description: Frank sees him as semi-transparent, “Like one of those wire frame animations they use to create the skeletons for movie avatars, but before they add skin and clothing.” Background: Unknown. No one can see him but Frank, and then only when Frank’s in a state of stress, usually during a race. That's it for the Cast of Major Characters. There are others in the novel of course: Bill, TBR's lead mechanic; Angus head of the pit crew, [...]

By |2018-09-25T11:57:14+00:00March 23rd, 2014|Categories: Books|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Character: Jenny Barratt

Character: Jenny Barratt Hi guys, Now's the time to share the bio of my second favourite character after Frank. Hope you'll grow to love her too: Jennifer ‘Jenny’ Barratt Occupation: PA to Pete and Girl-Friday to Team Brazier Racing (TBR) Age: 20 Height: 5’7” Description: With his customary lack of originality, Frank calls her ‘drop-dead gorgeous’. Jenny is curvaceous, titian-haired, blue-eyed, and very self-assured, at least superficially. Background: At work, she wears ‘ugly-arsed glasses’ and dresses like a librarian to fend off the unwanted advances of the team’s mechanics. Frank sees through her disguise, and she wants him to. Jenny [...]

By |2018-09-23T13:08:58+00:00March 21st, 2014|Categories: Books|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Character: Paula Brazier

Character: Paula Brazier Hi guys, As promised, here's the next character bio: Paula Brazier: (Frank's sister) Occupation: Student, Royal Academy of Music - London Age: 20 Height: 5’9” Description: Slim, bordering on elfin. Dark, shoulder-length hair, normally tied in a ponytail. She dresses for comfort, flat shoes, smart office casual, doesn’t wear make-up. Background: A naturally gifted pianist who sings in perfect pitch, Paula won a full academic scholarship to Royal Academy of Music in London, where she has just started her second year. During the end-of-season party, Frank persuades Paula to play for the crowd. Frank calls her ‘Screech’ [...]

By |2018-09-25T11:56:04+00:00March 19th, 2014|Categories: Books|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Character: Pete Brazier

Character: Pete Brazier Hi guys, As promised the other day, here's the second character bio from the book... Pete Brazier (Frank’s adoptive father): Occupation: Owner and chief designer of Team Brazier Racing (TBR) Age: Early 60s, but looks younger Height: 5’ 11” Description: Slim and vital. His mouth forms a natural frown but he has warm eyes. His hair is long and wavy (like Frank’s) but salt ‘n’ pepper. Background: Widower, Pete lost the love of his life, Laura, to bone cancer three-years ago. He dotes on his children, Frank, whom he adopted when aged four, and Paula, a miracle [...]

Character: Frank Brazier

Character: Frank Brazier Hi all, As promised, here's Frank's bio: ‘Fiery’ Frank Brazier: Occupation: Racing driver Age: 24 Height: 6’2” Description: Broad-shouldered, slim-hipped, powerfully built. He has pale green eyes, shoulder-length, wavy brown hair, and a winning smile. Hates shaving and sports ‘designer stubble’. Background: Frank is the adopted son of Pete Brazier, owner and chief designer of Team Brazier Racing (TBR). Thanks to Pete and his engineering team, Frank’s bright yellow TBR MKIV is the fastest in the F2500 championship--almost unbeatable in the hands of a master. Frank’s nickname stems from his driving style and his surname, not his [...]

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