
Character: Pete Brazier

Character: Pete Brazier Hi guys, As promised the other day, here's the second character bio from the book... Pete Brazier (Frank’s adoptive father): Occupation: Owner and chief designer of Team Brazier Racing (TBR) Age: Early 60s, but looks younger Height: 5’ 11” Description: Slim and vital. His mouth forms a natural frown but he has warm eyes. His hair is long and wavy (like Frank’s) but salt ‘n’ pepper. Background: Widower, Pete lost the love of his life, Laura, to bone cancer three-years ago. He dotes on his children, Frank, whom he adopted when aged four, and Paula, a miracle [...]

Character: Frank Brazier

Character: Frank Brazier Hi all, As promised, here's Frank's bio: ‘Fiery’ Frank Brazier: Occupation: Racing driver Age: 24 Height: 6’2” Description: Broad-shouldered, slim-hipped, powerfully built. He has pale green eyes, shoulder-length, wavy brown hair, and a winning smile. Hates shaving and sports ‘designer stubble’. Background: Frank is the adopted son of Pete Brazier, owner and chief designer of Team Brazier Racing (TBR). Thanks to Pete and his engineering team, Frank’s bright yellow TBR MKIV is the fastest in the F2500 championship--almost unbeatable in the hands of a master. Frank’s nickname stems from his driving style and his surname, not his [...]

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