
“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Julie Frayn

“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Julie Frayn Hi guys, Welcome to the latest FFI. I’ve had a busy fortnight, writing, working, jogging, and more writing. The latest DCI Jones Casebook, Sean A Freeman is with the beta readers and I await feedback—scary. But more of that in another blog post, it’s time to introduce my guest, my Canadian friend and psychological thriller author, Julie Frayn. Check out her website, it's sweet. KJD: Welcome Julie, how you doing this afternoon? Okay, let’s be honest here. We’re talking virtually, nobody’s going to believe that you flew over from Canada, [...]

By |2018-09-25T23:11:46+00:00November 14th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , |30 Comments

“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Jenny Harper

“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Jenny Harper Hi guys, Welcome to the latest FFI. Can you believe it’s been a fortnight since I chatted with Laurie Boris? Where does the time disappear? So, what’s been happening since then? The clocks went back an hour last weekend leaving us with shorter evenings and longer nights. Autumn is here - that’s ‘Fall’ to my friends on the other side of the Atlantic, and they have it right; I seem to spend half my spare time sweeping up dead leaves right now. Winter’s knocking at the door and I’ve filled [...]

By |2018-09-25T23:12:19+00:00October 31st, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , |13 Comments

“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Laurie Boris

“Friday-Fortnight” Interview with Laurie Boris Hi guys, Welcome to my writer’s studio. Yeah okay, I’m in my office in the attic, so sue me. Every fortnight, I’ll be inviting an author over for tea and cakes, although some of them insist on bringing coffee. Never mind, I’m such a genial host, I put up with the foul smell of burnt wood. See what a nice fellow I am? My wife, Jan, provides the cakes, and then disappears because she can’t stand to hear writers coming to blows. She also hates having to clean up the blood [...]

By |2018-09-25T22:22:53+00:00October 17th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , |20 Comments

“Friday-Fortnight” Interviews

"Friday-Fortnight" Interviews Hi guys, Here's a short note to let you know that I've booked the first guest for my new Friday-Fortnight interview slot. Expect interesting news, world-shattering exposĂ©s, and a deep investigation into the dark psyche of the author’s mind. Nah, not really, I’m just jotting down notes during a fireside chat with some author friends of mine. Occasionally even this curmudgeonly recluse invites friends  to stop by for tea and cakes, oh and coffee for the Americans. Mark the date on your calendar, 17th October. Cheers, Kerry. PS: My first guest is Laurie Boris, writer of literary fiction, [...]

By |2018-09-25T22:18:42+00:00October 12th, 2014|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

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