The Ballad of Jürgen Sömersön the Busker
The Ballad of Jürgen Sömersön the Busker For my musician son, Kyall... The chord, a G-major, fades to a thrumming silence. Next time I’ll add harmonic after tones to beef up the ending. It’s not Carnegie Hall, but all I need is an audience. Shoppers rush past. Most ignore, but some glance and nod in appreciation. A blonde woman stops, smiles, and listens. Her head bobs with the rhythm. When she leaves, there’s another banknote, a Jackson, among the coins in the guitar case. I’ll eat well tonight. My guitar, Genevieve, is warm and responsive in my arms. She shares [...]
Kerry J Donovan says:
M. L. Newton says:
Frances Roberts says: